Thursday, 11 June 2009


copied from

要瞭解天水圍, 便先從資料及數據入手, 天水圍人口約為287,000 人, 約佔香港總人口4.1%, 但天水圍居民領取綜援的個案是全港的4.9%, 區內分別約有58%的居民入住租住公屋和22%入住居屋屋苑, ,區內工作人口比率是23.6, 較全港平均比率28.2為低, 但並非是區內人口老化所致, 因區內青少年人口超過37% 為25歲或以下的青少年, 較全港的27%為高。
根據以上資料, 天水圍是低收入人士的集中地, 並區內提供的工作職位不多, 且附近地區如元朗及屯門等可供就業的機會已自顧不下, 莫說能照顧鄰區, 居民工作動輒要花費$40以的車費到市居工作, 此支出是一般低收入人士難以負擔的。且區內民生設施配套不足, 康樂方面, 一個接近30萬人口尤以年輕人為多的地區而只有一個僅能容納700人的公共泳池; 醫療方面, 尚要待2015年才能落成的醫院。
究竟天水圍的所謂「悲情」, 是區內居民所做成, 又或是當局一手包辦的呢? 明知區內先天不足, 尚要大量興建公屋及發展居屋, 把一大堆低收入家庭往區內一丟便置身事外, 待「悲情」不斷發生後, 在千夫所指及輿論一再下, 才如夢初醒, 後知後覺地去修補過失, 但「悲情」是否可因此而消淡呢?


In HK 綜援 is enough for ordinary people to have ordinary life. 何謂悲情. Regarding 醫療, I find it that it is very convenient to go to the Pok Oi Hospital. If you go there by taxi, it only takes you 10-15 minutes. 30 minutes by light rail + MTR. It is not so urgent / necessary to build a new hospital in Tin Shui Wai.

Sunday, 7 June 2009


I went to 西貢全記海鮮酒家 with my friends for dinner.

We ordered a 套餐 for 8 people though we only had 7 people. It costs us HK$1500 including services charges and tips.

Friday, 5 June 2009

Hong Kong Train Museum

On 31 May 2009, after lunch, we brought our daughter to the Train Musemum at Tai Po

Tuesday, 2 June 2009


Last Sunday morning, we brought our daughter to the public library in Tin Shui Wai. There were a lot of kids reading different books. Some of them needed their parents to read for them. After lunch, we went to the Train Museum at Tai Po.