Tuesday, 22 September 2009


2009年9月12日 星期六


Saturday, 19 September 2009

McDonald's 2009 Kids Singing Contest

I brought my daughter to Commercial Radio at Kowloon Tong for the singing contest.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Birthday Party

Birthday parth at McDonald.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Monday, 31 August 2009

Buying monthly west railway ticket

Buying monthly west railway ticket on 31.8.2009.

Saturday, 29 August 2009

New toy

My daughter's new toy.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Little Rabit

A little rabit drawn by my daughter.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Traffic accident

Traffic accident
18 July 2009

Saturday, 4 July 2009


On 5 July 2009, we went to Shenzhen and had lunch and dinner there.

Birthday Party at Pizza Hut

On 27 June 2009, we brought our daughter to join her classmate's birthday party at Pizza Hut.

Tai Po Waterfront Park

On 21 June 2009 (Father's Day), we brought our daughter to the Tai Po Waterfront Park and had lunch at Tai Po with her grandparents.

Butterfly Beach in Tuen Mun

14 June 2009

We brought our daughter to the beach, Butterfly Beach in Tuen Mun.

Like many other children, she loved to play with the sands there.

Thursday, 11 June 2009


copied from http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7009060201161

要瞭解天水圍, 便先從資料及數據入手, 天水圍人口約為287,000 人, 約佔香港總人口4.1%, 但天水圍居民領取綜援的個案是全港的4.9%, 區內分別約有58%的居民入住租住公屋和22%入住居屋屋苑, ,區內工作人口比率是23.6, 較全港平均比率28.2為低, 但並非是區內人口老化所致, 因區內青少年人口超過37% 為25歲或以下的青少年, 較全港的27%為高。
根據以上資料, 天水圍是低收入人士的集中地, 並區內提供的工作職位不多, 且附近地區如元朗及屯門等可供就業的機會已自顧不下, 莫說能照顧鄰區, 居民工作動輒要花費$40以的車費到市居工作, 此支出是一般低收入人士難以負擔的。且區內民生設施配套不足, 康樂方面, 一個接近30萬人口尤以年輕人為多的地區而只有一個僅能容納700人的公共泳池; 醫療方面, 尚要待2015年才能落成的醫院。
究竟天水圍的所謂「悲情」, 是區內居民所做成, 又或是當局一手包辦的呢? 明知區內先天不足, 尚要大量興建公屋及發展居屋, 把一大堆低收入家庭往區內一丟便置身事外, 待「悲情」不斷發生後, 在千夫所指及輿論一再下, 才如夢初醒, 後知後覺地去修補過失, 但「悲情」是否可因此而消淡呢?


In HK 綜援 is enough for ordinary people to have ordinary life. 何謂悲情. Regarding 醫療, I find it that it is very convenient to go to the Pok Oi Hospital. If you go there by taxi, it only takes you 10-15 minutes. 30 minutes by light rail + MTR. It is not so urgent / necessary to build a new hospital in Tin Shui Wai.

Sunday, 7 June 2009


I went to 西貢全記海鮮酒家 with my friends for dinner.

We ordered a 套餐 for 8 people though we only had 7 people. It costs us HK$1500 including services charges and tips.

Friday, 5 June 2009

Hong Kong Train Museum

On 31 May 2009, after lunch, we brought our daughter to the Train Musemum at Tai Po

Tuesday, 2 June 2009


Last Sunday morning, we brought our daughter to the public library in Tin Shui Wai. There were a lot of kids reading different books. Some of them needed their parents to read for them. After lunch, we went to the Train Museum at Tai Po.

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Tin Shui Wai 1997

Tin Shui Wai 1997

Frozen Flower

My wife and I went to watch the captioned movie last night.

Better than expected and worth watching it.


早兩日係端午節, after breakfast we brought our daughter to 睇扒龍舟比賽 at Tuen Mum.

Friday, 29 May 2009


28 May 2009 (Thu), after lunch, we went to 深圳 massage and 到樂園路吃海鮮. The price of the seafood was about 1/3 of HK price (about 100 元 per person). We went to one of the largest restaurant namely 华城. When we left around 12:30 mid night , there were still a lot of customers there.

Taxi fare from 樂園路 to Wong Kong was about 40 元.

Monday, 25 May 2009

Day trip to Lai Chi Wo, Kat O and Ap Chau

My wife and I went to Lai Chi Wo, Kat O and Ap Chau yestday (Sunday). It was a rainy day and we got all wet.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Diner at 海港城 Miso

Diner at 海港城 Miso with our friends (a couple + a 3.5 years old little girl). Both my wife and our friends found that Miso was a good place for gathering, especially for the 2 little girls (my daughter and the little girl).

Friday, 22 May 2009

Squash practice

I left office around 7:30pm today and then joined my squash friends. We booked 2 nos. court. But, we only had 3 players.

Thursday, 21 May 2009


就 讀 天 水 圍 順 德 聯 誼 總 會 翁 祐 中 學 的 中 六 生 游 期 榮 , 勇 奪 全 場 總 冠 軍 , 她 本 年 底 將 代 表 本 港 遠 赴 西 班 牙 參 加 三 年 一 度 的 世 界 大 賽 。

We share same views about Tin Shui Wai

some 天水圍人的感覺. I share their views.
The following copied from other websites:

有時人地一問我住邊,我話天水圍,佢地就會有感覺,天水圍d人好慘...我真係好想知有幾慘,我真係覺得一d都唔慘,悲情城市??點會呀~我唔敢話最好,但如果去過天水圍or係天水圍住...都會覺得佢係一個好舒適既地方 ....

早前我前往天水圍做義工工作,接觸當地居民,得知他們生活,平常得像我和你一樣。他們活得開開心心,快快樂樂,並認為天水圍不是一個悲情城市。這套電影真實反映香港市民的生活,值得代表香港,往海外參加影展。《天水圍的日與夜》 - 天水圍人的生活 與你我他是一樣

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Medical Insurance

We have renewed our domestic helper's insurance 2 days ago. It covers 門診 and many other items. But, the cost is much cheaper comparing with any other medical insurance for local residents.

南京!南京! (City of Life and Death)

My wife and I watched the captioned movie last Friday.
It is worth watching it.

SOGO Thankful Week Sales

I just received some information about the captioned.
The Thankful Week sales will commence on 22.5.2009 (coming Friday).
For those are interested in Salvatore Ferragamo, private sale at SOGO Ballroom, 21/F, SOGO, Causeway Bay from 21.5.09 to 25.5.09.

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Visit a 7-month-old baby

Having lunch at a Tin Shui Wai Chinese restaurant, we visited a 7-month-old baby this afternoon. We bought Swisso Logical Baby cream bath and body lotion for the baby. Our daughter has used the Swisso Logical since she was born.
We had diner at a Chinese restaurant located at 泓景臺 shopping mall. Relatively, it was cheaper than at Tin Shui Wai. I think Chinese restaurants in Tin Shui Wai should reduce their price.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Transportation: from Tsuen Wan to Tin Shui Wai

When we arrived at Tsuen Wan tonight, it was about 1:15am. We got on a mini-bus to Hung Shui Kiu and took a taxi from there to Tin Shui Wai. It was first time we had tried that way. The travel time was OK. The total time used was about 45 minutes.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Pok Oi Hospital in 10 minutes

In past 1 month, I went to the Pok Oi Hospital twice. The time of the 2 visits were around 2:00am. One good thing in Tin Shui Wai is that you can get a taxi very easily. From Tin Shui Wai to the hospital was just about 10 minutes by taxi. It is very convenient. I don't know why some people in Tin Shui Wai always complain that there is no hospital in Tin Shui Wai.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Buffet Information

憑匯豐卓越理財信用卡或匯豐白金Visa卡蒞臨香港港麗酒店旗下屢獲殊榮的中西食府,品嚐各款頂級佳餚,可尊享過人禮遇,細味豐盛精采人生。 尊享優惠優惠期由2009年5月1日至6月30日
七折優惠1-12位用膳- 意寧谷、懷歐聚及金葉庭晚膳- 咖啡園、樂聚廊及寶絲吧全日餐饗

熊猫回家路 Trail of the Panda

Last night, we brought our daughter to watch the movie - 熊猫回家路 Trail of the Panda.
The following was my wife's feeling:

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

悲情城市 City of Misery

I have been living in Tin Shui Wai for more than 2 years. Frankly speaking, I have not come across any person who lives in Tin Shui Wai and who really needs help. Most of the time in Tin Shui Wai, I hear people are saying that Mr X or Ms Y has bought another apartment or how many flats he/she owns. Sometimes, when I go to visit my daughter's kindergarten, I see that the whole entrance lobby is occupied by domestic helpers.

http://www.wenweipo.com/ [2006-07-18]

陳財喜 中西區區議員
 三名住在新界天水圍的女子集體燒炭自殺事件,再度引起市民對天水圍社區問題的關注。「天水圍」愈來愈被「標籤化labelling」, 甚至有高官竟出言說天水圍是「悲情城市」。如果天水圍真是悲情城市的話,香港又算是什麼的城市?天水圍不是化外之地,她是香港特區的一部分。下次有人說天水圍是「悲情城市」,我們要大聲對他/她說:「請停止標籤!」.......

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tin Shui Wai New Town (天水圍新市鎮) is located in northwestern New Territories of Hong Kong. It is a part of the Yuen Long District, and is the second new town in Yuen Long. It is situated 25 kilometres due north-west of Central, Hong Kong on land reclaimed from low lying areas south of Deep Bay. As of 2007, the New Town has a population of 268,800[1].

"City of Misery"
In recent years, the town acquired a rather dubious reputation in Hong Kong for being an area where numerous serious family and social issues, including domestic violence, mental illness, and suicide occurs. The collective suicide of 3 girls through coal burning took place, attracting extensive reports from the local media. The image of Tin Shui Wai is thus severely tainted in the minds of many Hong Kong citizens; family tension and domestic violence issues are not limited to Tin Shui Wai.[citation needed] According to some Social workers, Tin Shui Wai is prone to family tragedies because of its remote location, limited employment opportunities, and high density of public housing estates.[5]. Some would also argue that the large number of new immigrants from Mainland China in the area, struggling to adjust to the different cultural and social dynamics of Hong Kong, also contributes to the problem.
In 2003, a mainland woman, who had sought help from both social services and the police, and her twin daughters were stabbed to death by her husband who then fatally wounded himself.[6]
In April 2004, a man killed himself after stabbing his 31-year-old mainland wife and two teenage daughters to death in their flat in Tin Shui Wai.[7]
In July 2006, the Director of Social Welfare, Mrs Carrie Lam, labelled Tin Shui Wai "City of Misery" (悲情城市). Lam's comment was criticised because it did nothing to solve the social problem within the town[8]
In October 2007, Mak Fu-tai, a 36-year-old woman suffering from mental illness bound the hands and feet of her 12-year-old daughter and nine-year-old son, and threw them out of a window in their 24th floor flat at Yiu Fung House, and then jumped to her death. Mak's husband, also with a history of mental illness, was hospitalised with terminal cancer. The deaths spurred a review of the inadequate social services provision.[9] This spurred some 20 non-governmental organizations to plead with the Legislative Council's welfare panel for more resources to deal with the problems there.[5]
On November 25, 2007, numerous residents rallied outside government headquarters to push for more aid and reform for the area. Many demanded the government to create new hospitals, jobs, and increase police enforcement in the town. [10]

Monday, 11 May 2009

Education Fund

Kids are our hopes. I have a daughter and she is studying at one of the kindergarten in Tin Shui Wai.

3 years ago, I created an investment plan for her namely Education Fund. It is a monthly stock saving plan. The stock I invest is 恒生H股ETF (2828 ). The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index ("H-Share Index") was launched on 8 August 1994 as a benchmark for the stock price performance of the China incorporated companies listed in Hong Kong. Shares of these companies are called H shares. Monthly report of 2828: http://www.hangseng.com/hsb/eng/per/invs/pdf2/20090504_2828_en.pdf

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Mother's Day

My wife and I had breakfast at 嘉湖銀座大快活. As usual, there were so many people and we had to wait for about 10 minutes. Sometimes, I think that if they were poor (as described by mass media or people living in urban areas), they should save their breakfast money.

We had diner with my parents and my younger brother and his wife at a Chinese restaurant.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Lunch at Tsim Sha Tsui

My first round of Mother's Day celebration this year started today. We had lunch buffet at Kowloon Hotel with my mother-in-law. The food and price are reasonable. But, today no credit card discount was given.
Though my mother-in-law is still not yet classified as the elderly people, I think it is a good place for the elderly people as they can enjoy sepcial discounts.

Before we left Tsim Sha Tsui, we bought a dress for our daughter at Marks and Spencer.

We had diner at home with my mother-in-law and after it, I decided to write this blog.